Random acts of violets

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Linux is the devil, apparently

Just read a post on a genius site. Got to be a marvellous spoof run by someone who is strongly anti-republican. It just seems to full of mistakes and ignorant comments to be anywhere near true.

amusing though.

Shelley the Republican - Unix is bad and evil

Monday, April 24, 2006

So very special

Saw a great advert in one of the many inserts that come with the Times on Sunday. Makes me deeply sad that I don't have a suitable garden to display these delightful, nay whimsical little delights.

The worrying thing is I half expect to see these at my parents' the next time I go over!

Friday, April 21, 2006

really quite busy actually

but for some reason can't get much done this afternoon.

I did just find a movie clip that is pretty bad but made me laugh. Actually that's generally the case with these I think.

Hobbits you say?


I started reading Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon the other day. I got it, I think, for a pound when it was on offer with The Times in WHSmith.

I was quite surprised reading it to see a big Fantastic Four reference.
The chap in the novel goes to meet his wife from work. She works in the Baxter Building, for Richards, Reed and Associates, and her two friends that he sees walking out of the building are called Sue and Ben.

And now that I have shared that, I can go away again and read the rest of the book.


Monday, April 10, 2006

is it wrong?

that this actually looks really good.

not sure if it can 'live' beyond the trailer mind.

Penguins (and some more)

Of course not sure that there will be time to see this at the cinema, in between watching lots of black and white, terribly important turn-of-the-century french and swedish art-house films where no-one speaks and they play a lot of chess. Which is what I normally watch, naturally.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Why you should always read it out loud

A friend of mine told me today about a local company renaming - with HILARIOUS consequences...

Anyhoo, the company used to be called Brewers, but obviously now there are several companies joined together and they are now called Brewers Group.

Not sure if there should be an apostrophe in there somewhere.

Obviously jokes ensued around the lines of failure to deliver, and that they used to be an upstanding company.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Got a feeling I've seen this before.

I'm researching for a presentation I'm giving tomorrow on using irhc media. Somehow, despite this being funny, I'm not sure it's quite right for the audience...
